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Christmas Fair Wrap Up

After a year’s break and despite Covid cancellations and restrictions, we have managed to put together a very successful Christmas Fair this year where families could come and enjoy the various things on offer. There were many little faces excited to see Santa in the Grotto as well as the Fair! Luckily, we had good dry weather for all the things on the front lawn and the Year 7 and 8 were also able to have their tables outside where they sold their gifts with much enthusiasm.

Of course, all this would not have happened without the huge effort that was put in by the Friends of Edge Grove Committee, extra parents who volunteered, staff and the Estates Team who are always in the background to help us. I would like to thank you all for helping make this year’s Christmas Fair happen. We were very lucky not to have to cancel last minute! I would also like to thank everyone who made donations such as for the second hand goods and the raffle – there were some very generous goods and vouchers! This has shown us again what a great community we have at Edge Grove.

For those who have missed this year’s Christmas Fair, we hope to see you next year. There are already talks of making the Grotto even more beautiful!

Wishing you all a safe and restful Christmas/seasonal holiday this year.


Chair of The Friends of Edge Grove

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